The Production of Information
HD Video
Dimensions variable; 68 Minutes

The Production of Information is a satirical experimental documentary that explores information warfare and the language of political persuasion. Focusing on a selection of scripts based on political and theoretical texts appropriated from across the political spectrum, the video takes the form of a staged casting call wherein professional actors take turns interpreting each script. Inter-cutting between different actors performing the same scripts, the video decontextualizes the language, allowing the voice and affect of the actors to highlight the role of both context and representation in the production of ideology. Careening from the earnest to the ridiculous, The Production of Information eerily reflects a media environment in which distraction, sensationalism, entertainment value and corporate interests spin and obfuscate reality.

An interview discussing the conceptual framework around the piece:

Interview, Don Edler and Nina Sarnelle, The People Radio, Episode 80